For many years we offered an online classified system to buy, sell or trade gear. Then things went bad for the network. Our technologies and tools had no match and we are slowly rebuilding the tools and features to modern standards.
Our new goals include a blockchain solution for all sales and smart contracts to protect parties. These tools will work as an API for other sites and projects to share the classified ads freely. Once adopted by hundreds of sites we can build more features like automation, gig system, new products and built in promotion.
This is a very unique project with the goal of building a true cooperative business model with advanced tools for automation and a sustainable eco system. Easy, NO!!!
We are currently moving everything into a new systems that will offer more advanced features and tools for artists. We will relaunch the classified system soon. Sooner if you join us and get involved!! Sharing craigslist, ebay, marketplace and others sites will be a built in feature.
Our big goal is to team up with sites that offer musicians revenue and dedicated services. Your input and introductions would be a great help in building a cooperative project! Please let us know what you need and tools that would make a difference? Tell us what like and don’t like on the web today? We are going to build unique dedicated solutions for these problems. Your feedback is required!
Write us at facebook INDIEMUSICNEWS
How the advertising on our sites works. BANNER ADVERTISING runs a network of music and art sites. (140) We offer two options for paid advertising solutions. Our banner ad system is currently priced at a flat fee of $100.00 per year, each ad is fixed to...